
Other fungi


Other fungi

Other fungi


parasol mushroom

These are very easy to see, being some of the largest fungi that grow on the Green. They appear usually in late August amongst the grass and are a sign that summer is coming to an end! The flat scaly cap (shaped like a parasol) can vary in size, from a modest 10 cm to a whopping 30 cm across.

Common Puffball

puffball fungus

This distinctive, white rotund mushroom grows on the drier side of the Green. It can easily be seen against the grass and for some reason, that I don't quite understand, people seem to like to kick it! It has a bit of a warty surface when it is young, but as it matures, the patterning becomes rather beautiful.

Fly Agaric

fly agaric

There is no mistaking this colourful mushroom but it is poisonous and so should be left well alone. Interestingly it depends on birch trees for some of its nutrients (is symbiotic) and so will be found close to where the birch trees grow on the Green.

Yellow field cap

yellow fieldcap

This is a small fungus, but can be fairly easily identified as when it is young, as it has a fragile yellow bell-shaped cap. As it ages, the cap becomes flatter and turns a cream colour, with a yellow centre - bit like a fried egg! It usually grows on cattle dung.

Petticoat Mottlegill

pettcoat mottlegil

This is a small, delicate fungus, which has a distinctive white serrated edge, that looks a bit like a petticoat. It grows in groups on well matured cattle dung.

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